Hope Gospel Rescue Mission Inc

York, Nebraska

Established 2024

Statement of Belief

We believe in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as inspired by God, inerrant in the original writings, a divine revelation, and that they are the final and supreme authority in faith and practice. II Tim. 3:16-17
We believe in one God, eternally existing in three (3) persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Exodus 20:2-3; 1 Cor. 8:6
We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, and that He is truly God and truly man. Isaiah 7:14; Matt. 1:18-25; John 1:4
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person, co-equal with God in all of His attributes, and is sent by the Lord Jesus Christ from the Father to convict the world of sin, to regenerate, indwell, guide and teach the believer and to empower the Christian to live in victory over sin. John 15:26; John 16:7-9
We believe that man was created in the image of God, but that he sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also the spiritual death which is separation from God. We believe that all persons are sinners by nature and by choice, and are under condemnation and in need of regeneration. It is impossible for man, through works, to save himself. Romans 5:19; 3:23; 6:23; Eph 2:8-9
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice, and that all who believe in Him are justified by grace, through faith, once and for all on the grounds of His shed blood. We believe that all who are truly "born again" are kept by God the Father for Jesus Christ. Romans 3:25; ll Cor. 5:21; 1 Peter 1:3-5
We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascension into Heaven, and in His present life there for us as High Priest and Advocate. I Cor. 15:16-21; 1 John 2:1-2
We believe that all who receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God; and that each child of God is indwelt, led sealed and empowered by the Holy Spirit. John 3:3; John 1:12-13; Eph. 1:12-14
We believe in 'that blessed hope": the personal, imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13
We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and of the unjust; and in the everlasting blessedness of the saved as well as the everlasting and conscious punishment of the lost. Cor. 15:21-23; Rev. 20:11-15